My grand uncle Tok Ngah Fathir, is the cousin of my late grandmother.
My grandmother is the eldest child of her mother, Embut Maziah, the matriarch of Embut Maziah clan.
Embut Maziah, my great grandmother is also the eldest. Eldest of six siblings.
Tok Ngah Mat Noor as he is fondly known among the famiy, loves to keep in touch with all the family members including extended family of Embut Maziah clan near and far.
If we invite Tok Ngah for any family event nor gatherings he would not let us down.
He would always be there. He was at my father's funeral, 25 years ago, also attended my grandmother's mother funeral 17 years ago and very recently, he helped to bring me to attend my Ucu Akmar's funeral, my father's youngest sister/sibling
It was Tok Ngah's initiative to draw the family- free for Embut Maziah and each of her siblings until the 6th generation of Embut Maziah clan