
Friday, 18 March 2011

01. Allah dah Janjikan, Takde Penyakit kat Dunia Ni yang Takde Penawar

Petang tu ketika sibuk membungkus tempahan cupcake Cik Lan, Cik Lan order 4 vanilla cupcake in individual casing and a gift box of six vanilla and choc cupcakes. I received a phone call from Shai ( who is Zam’s gfriend. and Zam is Cik Lan’s housemate). Shai said she wanted to see me to pass something to me. I told her I would be at Zam’s place petang tu untk hantar tempahan cupcake. Sempat jugak promote cupcake kat Shai dan dia pun order dua choc cupcake, satu vanilla dan satu creamcheese. I felt bad as I couldn’t meet Shay on time that aftenoon due to the heavy traffic.
Rupanya Shai nak sampaikan air zamzam for me to cure my illness. Air zamzam tu diberikan oleh Zara ( Ajeeb’s friend; ajeeb is also Cik Lan’s housemate). Tapi Shai meninggalkan botol Air zamzam di rumah Zam dan Shai terus pulang. That night, I was exchanging text messages with Shai and I was touched by one of her text messages yang berbunyi … ” Shai Tabik spring kat Fuzz, Fuzz kuat semangat…Allah dah janji kan, takde penyakit kat dunia yang takde penawar … Assamulaikum fuzz…”, bagitulah bunyi text message Shy.
Among the things that keep me strong and keep me going is the support that I received from my family and friends. No matter what, when we are at our lowest point in lifem our friends and family are the core of our inner strength. Thank you guys for always being there for me.