I was invited by a friend to give a talk and to motivate the children to excel in their studies and to instil confidence in themselves that they can change their lives for brighter future through education.
I was sharing my experiences with them on how I struggles with Muscular Dystrophy and still doing what I love, still walking and meet people, still social attending play and movies and never loose hope.
After awhile I pass the talk to raizan on the importance of learning English and other foreign language such as Japanese. raizan speaks fluent Japanese. He also brought Ken, his Japanese friend to visit the orphanage house.
We can achieve so many things in life if we set our goal dan stay focus in what we do. I hope these children will not feel that they are defeated by their condition, not having parental love but to make a change in life.
Almost every weekend Chef Ricky will visit the orphanage house and cook lunch for the kids. Coming from the orphanage house himself, he understand what the children going through and they need support from the society to lift their spirits.