
Saturday, 1 May 2021

96. Bali Bombings

I cant remember when was the first bombing, probably in 2001? or 2002?

i remember we had just finished our dinner about 10pm that night.We were walking along the streef where the pubs, clubs and shops were located in Kuta.
We came across this open air club with loud music called Sari Club. Similar concepf like Beach Club in KL.
The club was crowded mostly with caucasians.
We spent there about 10 mins there before we left. Too noisy and too smoky for me.

Then we walked back to our hotel. When we about to reach the lobby of our hotel, we heard loud explosions.
Some guests and staff at the lobby were puzzled.We all went out to the street to see what's going on. We saw fire from afar and chaos.
People on the street were running away The traffic was congested with vehicles not moving at all as they stopped to find out what had happened. Some locals yelled "Bomb"   "Bomb".

The staff asked us not to go there and hurried us all the guests, back to  the lobby and ordered us to stay  in our rooms.
I could not sleep that night. I was traumatised. I kept thinking what if the hotel we stayed in would be the next target.

After that incident, I did not return to Bali.
After that.  2 or 3 years later,  in 2005, I went again to Bali thinking it would be safe by then because we did hear any terrorist act on that Island.
So we went again  later that year.
I was wrong. 
This time it happened again. The restaurant that I planned to go  for dinner that evening was bombed.
Again I went to Bali.My final trip to Bali was in 2008. My first and last experience fkying with Everyone Can Fly. I was stranded  at Den Pasar Airport for 8 hours. We reached KL after midnight.