What seem to be an easy task or used to be an easy task for me like standing up, pulling a rubber band with hands from one end to the other now seem like gigantic tasks for me. But I am embracing these shortcomings with an open heart. I want to live my life as full as possible.A quality life despite my conditions.
These exercises wil help to maintain the strength on my muscles. My physio therapist, Zana is very supportive in helping me coping with my the muscle strength that I should gain. We would work on exercises that would help me to maintain my balance. Sometimes it takes 20 minutes per session sometimes less than that but all in all I spent an hour at the hospital for my physiotheraphy and another hour for house hold chores theraphy.
Every week I would do my physio theraphy, and theraphy how to handle house chores and how to look after myself and carry out my daily activities. Since I am staying on my own. It is very important to develop all these skills in order to maintain my independence.